The bad thing about payday loans that even though they are there for the short term loans and for emergencies, they can become pains in the rear. If you need emergency cash for any reason they are there to “help” however they will charge you an arm and a leg for that help. The fees charged by a payday loan company can become extremely high and if you do not pay it off right away, you run the risk of having even more money added. How a payday loan works is that you place an application with the company and tell them you need money. You will be required to have a checking account with proof of it (like a statement), proof of income, address, and show some photo identification.
There are no credit checks with a payday loan; you are just simply required to provide information about yourself, your checking account, and the company you work for. You will then write them a post dated check for your next payday and for the amount they have loaned you, in addition to the fees and interests they will charge. When your next payday arrives, you will have three options. You can either opt to allow them to deposit your check into your checking account for payment, go there is person and pay off the loan and receive your post dated check in return, or rollover the loan with a payment on the interest and fees.
It is important you fully investigate all of your options and sound advice would be to only use a payday loan service as a very last resort, because this could end up causing more problems than necessary if you are not careful.
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